Form Builder Addon

The Form Builder addon is an incredibly powerful tool to create functional contact forms (WCAG 2.1 and Section 508 compliant) on your Joomla site. It has a collection of rich and useful features to create a solid and accessible contact form in minutes.
Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.

Choose from the 10 built-in form fields:

The form fields are heavily customizable. You can use a field in multiple purposes. For an example, the Text field alone can be used in more than 70% of the fields such as Name, Address, Designation etc.

Plus, there are styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more. One of the most interesting features of the Form Builder addon is that, you can add form fields flexibly.

There are 10 built-in fields from where you can choose and place them in the contact form. The built-in fields are:
  1. Text
  2. Email
  3. Phone
  4. Textarea
  5. Radio
  6. Checkbox
  7. Select
  8. Date (with Calendar)
  9. Range (Slider)
  10. Number
Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.

Form Styles

Styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more.

Email Functionality

Use the "Field Names" in the email template fields in double curly braces to use as variables. Input the Field Names in the Form Elements section. Then Go to the Email Template tab and organize your email template.

Get inTouch With our band

She was bouncing away, when a cry from the two women, who had turned
towards the stage, caused her to look round.
Jean-Marie Reyes
Jean-Marie ReyesLeading Vocal
Jean-Marie Reyes
Jean-Marie ReyesLeading Vocal
There are styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more. One of the most interesting features of the Form Builder addon is that, you can add form fields flexibly.

Frederica Moberini
Frederica MoberiniHammond Organ
Frederica Moberini
Frederica MoberiniHammond Organ
There are styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more. One of the most interesting features of the Form Builder addon is that, you can add form fields flexibly.

Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.
Léa Dubeaux
Léa DubeauxRhythm Guitar
Léa Dubeaux
Léa DubeauxRhythm Guitar
There are styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more. One of the most interesting features of the Form Builder addon is that, you can add form fields flexibly.

Béatrice Navano
Béatrice NavanoDrums & Percussions
Béatrice Navano
Béatrice NavanoDrums & Percussions
There are styling options like font size, font color, padding-margin, borders, alignment, success/failure messages, redirection and so much more. One of the most interesting features of the Form Builder addon is that, you can add form fields flexibly.

Get in Touch

Please fill the required field.
Please fill the required field.






San Fernando, CA 560 Bush St & 20th Ave, Apt 5 San Fernando, 230707


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Beispiel (Testeinsatz)
30.08.2020 um 11:19 Uhr
Marburg, Erlenring
F BMA - Brandmeldeanlage ...
13.07.2020 um 15:26 Uhr
Marburg, Conradistraße

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